Necrotizing fasciitis

Started by Tripodmvr, Jun 29, 2023, 10:00 PM

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Thanks for the well wishes. Will update once I have news.


I was working at a diary once and while staff were busy with job, I had a lot of time on my hands. I had seen a group of cats walking about and one smaller very slower kitten with them, I felt sorry for the little runt, he looked so small and week.

Much later in day at about 16h00 I was sitting looking across the community Rugby, soccer field which the diary hosted when I saw the group of cats obviously heading home or on night patrol - all 7 - 8 of them in a row heading across the field with purpose. By the time they had crossed the field the little cat appeared at edge of field and struggled along after stronger brethren.
Shame it was so small and so weak. The little cat got exactly halfway across the field and it just stopped, gave up, it was like almost written in the air above it, " I can't, I just can not any more"
So I watched  for a while and it just lay there, 80 or so meter away.

You can not change the world, but you can change the world for somebody - and I admired this lil fellow quiet some and more.
So I got out the van and went to collect it, the wife will love me more I guess.It just lay there dead, finito ! Until I touched the little fucker !, fkin thing bit me like 5 times before I could moer it in another direction, one that was further from me. It burned instantly like fire x 2 with sound affects, (language). What amazed me is how it bled, the bites bled free flow and with no intent of stopping, I mean it bled like I had some real bad vein cross cut injuries. Nope just like 20 odd little holes - must have some anticoagulant in their mouths like some fish do.

A bit of leatherman work and a part of my shirt was a bandage.

I went back to my bakkie got the dog blanket, moered it over the fkin demon, said a small prayer, wrapped the cat up like a burrito and told workers to call it a day. Guys when I say it bled I meant it bled, proper - blood down one leg of pants, front of shirt and plenty on shoes.
We had a 3 hr abouts drive home and it was hell, my hand a active throbbing pain, like each puncture was a bee or wasp sting that did not stop after the initial flair.

The cat had worms, flu, sniffles, lung infection, you name it it had it, all except mange and ticks, but a million fleas. 
My hand also swelled up and looked like it was gonna burst, but at getting home 21h00 and still taking staff home etc the doctor could, would wait. It stayed like that swollen, but not getting worse, itchy skin and the promise of going to doctor the next day, next day........

After reading Oom Dries story, I realize now just how lucky I got that time, I guess stupid sometimes gets second chance.
Longer story short the cat became a incredible little creature that had the little first night blanket it was put on that it would take with it everywhere- where it went it took the blanket and spread it a bit before sleeping on it, the cutest thing ya ever witnessed.
The vet said it would not have a long life, it was to badly damaged and he was right, it lived 3-4 years.
I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.


I remember hearing about a young man - mid teens so around 16 / 17 - fishing with the family in Mozam and he accidentally managed to kick the gaff which lodge in between his big and 2nd toe. Nice clean hole, cleaned it out properly, betadine into the hole.

2am he wakes his dad up as his foot & leg are on fire. They rushed him to hospital (think Richards Bay but not sure all the in between details) - ICU for 8 or so days, touch and go whether he would live and / or have to remove the leg.

Surgeon says only reason he lived was that the was young, fit and very healthy - strong immune system.


During my visit to the occupational therapist she mentioned that my hand has been exposed to a lot of trauma due to the infection. My body was very confused and therefore tried to rectify the situation. This could include addition of bone material to the finger bones and is possibly why my fingers and hand are very stiff to move. I might have to make peace with the state of my hand as at present. I am quite sure that I will be able to shoot and will give that a try next week. Reloading is on the menu for the weekend.


I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.