Bou 'n skietbaan / Build a shooting range

Started by Ds J, Jun 05, 2024, 09:03 PM

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Ds J

Naand Mense, hoe bou ek 'n skietbaan met vragmotorbande?

Ek weet wat die wetlike regulasies is - hierdie gaan oor praktiese tips om die skietbaan met bande gebou te kry.

Dit sal vir eers net 'n handwapenban wees.

Good evening Folks, how do U proceed to build a shooting range with truck tyres?

I am aware of the legal requirements, this is more about practical tips when using tyres.

I will be starting with a handgun range.


I helped out on one once. Main elements were rebar pins spaced so that the tyres were held in place and soil to fill the tyres. They were built in soldier course and the bottom layer was filled with 1 to 8 cement mix. All layers were stamped slightly damp. Made for a very stable and durable structure. My club range has bays built from solid forklift tyre and they appear to have enough of their own gravity to work pretty much on their own. Nice materialnifnyoubcan get it.


Die bande plekke gee die oorskot bande verniet weg (wel hier by ons). Pasop net vir terugslagkoeëls met die rubber. Probeer dit bedek met grond.


Hier is die .22 baan by CMH naby Vereeniging. Bande wat met 'n ysterpaal in posisie gehou en dan opgevul word.

Ds J

Baie dankie - watter afstande kan julle aanbeveel? Ek het gedink om met 2 x 5m-bane te begin.

Op een baan naby ons staan die trokbande op hulle eie, maar in 'n dubbele ry. Dit werk goed.


Quote from: Ds J on Jun 06, 2024, 09:42 PMBaie dankie - watter afstande kan julle aanbeveel? Ek het gedink om met 2 x 5m-bane te begin.

Op een baan naby ons staan die trokbande op hulle eie, maar in 'n dubbele ry. Dit werk goed.

I think 10m would be more practical. 5 is handy but I'd expect you'd grow out of it pretty quickly. You could get away with less side wall by boxing in the shooting position so that bullets can only be directed between the tyre walls.

Ds J

Quote from: oafpatroll on Jun 07, 2024, 08:27 AM
Quote from: Ds J on Jun 06, 2024, 09:42 PMBaie dankie - watter afstande kan julle aanbeveel? Ek het gedink om met 2 x 5m-bane te begin.

Op een baan naby ons staan die trokbande op hulle eie, maar in 'n dubbele ry. Dit werk goed.

I think 10m would be more practical. 5 is handy but I'd expect you'd grow out of it pretty quickly. You could get away with less side wall by boxing in the shooting position so that bullets can only be directed between the tyre walls.

This makes sense, thanks.

The nice thing of tyres is that one can build and expand continuously, as long as supply and space allows.

We have more than enough space and truck tyres should be no problem because Vryburg is one of  the main routes for trucks.

Starting off with two small ranges, and then adding to it as time goes by, or need develops.


I'm more than a little envious. I very much hope to have a stretch of land in future where i can do the same. 


My dream is to win the Powerball and buy a farm just to make a shooting range. Any other farm-like activities will be totally coincedental to shooting.


Quote from: janfred on Jun 07, 2024, 12:03 PMMy dream is to win the Powerball and buy a farm just to make a shooting range. Any other farm-like activities will be totally coincedental to shooting.

There's a quote somewhere about golf courses being a massive waste of shooting range space.


Quote from: Tripodmvr on Jun 06, 2024, 10:06 AMDie bande plekke gee die oorskot bande verniet weg (wel hier by ons). Pasop net vir terugslagkoeëls met die rubber. Probeer dit bedek met grond.
That is no longer legal, every tire has to now be accounted for. It is also illegal to remove a tire from a fitment center. Anybody who disposes of a tire or does so as a business has to provide a certificate of compliant disposal.
One of the worlds biggest disposal challenges is tires.
One of my big prediction things! What happens to all the wear off on the billions of tires, that wear off is a bad pollutant in micro form, where does it all go ?
A recent and very too late study has shown tire components in British freshwater fish cells.
I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.


Quote from: zguy on Jun 07, 2024, 12:37 PM
Quote from: janfred on Jun 07, 2024, 12:03 PMMy dream is to win the Powerball and buy a farm just to make a shooting range. Any other farm-like activities will be totally coincedental to shooting.

There's a quote somewhere about golf courses being a massive waste of shooting range space.
Quote ???? I thought it was a logical conclusion.
I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.


Ons het heelwat bande gebruik by my plaaslike publieke baan.

My ondervinding is dat leë trokbande in die stopwal, maklik stadige koeëls kan terug bons.  Veral die loopvlakke is sterk genoeg daarvoor.

Die oplossing is om hule behoorlik met grond op te vul, sodat die grond die hele holte vol maak.  Dit maak die band harder en die koeëls penetreer makliker.

Waar .22 en handwapens geskiet word, is kar en bakkie bande waarskynlik die beter opsie, omdat hulle makliker gepentereer kan word.  Hou die trokbande vir geweerbane en skeidsmure tussen die bane.

As die trokbande in die 2de ry is, in 'n stopwal, pla dit gewoonlik nie.  Die uitdaging is om die 2de ry so te bou dat daar geen gapings is nie.

Pasop vir haelgewere op bane waar daar bande in die stopwal is.  Hoe fyner die hael, hoe meer daarvan kom terug.

Ds J

Dankie, dit behoort die saak nog makliker te maak.

Bou die baan se mure met trokbande en die skietpunte word ingebou met karbande. Veilig en  maklik.