Tough Guys and shit happens.

Started by Treeman, Jun 13, 2024, 10:32 AM

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I have just recently been declared diabet 2, out the blue just like that - boom bang thank you Ma'am you diabetic.
I thought this shit only happened to weak unhealthy, lazy people.
Me ? still only 24 years old, Superman's my Uncle and Rambo's my little brother, how can I be Diabetic.

nee fok ! ........................shakes head and walks away mumbling stuff....................
I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.




Quote from: Tripodmvr on Jun 13, 2024, 11:06 AMToo many rum and coke??????
Never drink mixer drinks and fizzy drinks , mmmnn not really.
Beer, or what ever on ice all my life.
I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.


Quote from: SouljaMan on Jun 13, 2024, 12:09 PMDiet, diet, diet?
That and genetics I am told, heritory. Ya always drank and ate as I pleased, luckily I always liked healthy or at least natural foods. Fizzy and sweets and so forth were not really my thing.
I am told it is/was trauma triggered, kinda in me but not active till some trauma triggers it..
I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.

Ds J

Trauma has a large part in it, but not always.

We have seen it quite a few times in our work, especially with old people. The husband dies and the woman gets diabetes, usually six weeks later.

In your case, it is probably something which has been slumbering, and was finally activated.


Given how prevalent it is in some ethnic groups and families I wouldn't discount genetics being a significant factor.


Tim Noakes's Banting book is pretty much about reversing type 2 diabetes...

My understanding of type 2 is more dietary / lifestyle vs type 1


Easy fix.

Stop eating any bread, potatoes, pumpkin, other starchy vegetables and all fruit.

No beer of any kind. No drinks with added sugar.

For alcohol, any clear spirit with no mixer , in moderation .

Instead of fruit, berries.

Rice is your friend if you are physically active - gym, manual Labor, etc.

Eat as much as you need, as often as you need.

The hardest part is not putting the wrong food in your mouth.


'Easy fix' and 'no beer of any kind'. I'm trying to process that and filling miserably.


Quote from: oafpatroll on Jun 14, 2024, 10:14 AM'Easy fix' and 'no beer of any kind'. I'm trying to process that and filling miserably.
I'd rather do medication and liposuction...


Quote from: oafpatroll on Jun 14, 2024, 10:14 AM'Easy fix' and 'no beer of any kind'. I'm trying to process that and filling miserably.

You need to adjust the diet to the risk profile.

Insulin is a fat storage hormone. The first place the fat goes is on the liver, then the blood, a.k.a cholesterol, then the body.

Insulin resistance usually means a fatty liver as well. If left untreated, it turns to sclerosis of the liver, which is irreversible.

You can have insulin resistance, and absolutely normal sugar levels in the blood, so blood sugar is not a test of anything, except to tell you something is already badly broken.

The initial diet change feels drastic, it's purpose is to get the liver back into a healthy state.

Once you achieve that, it's up to you to figure out how to keep it that way.

I'm talking from experience. My fasting insulin used to be 19. Now it's around 5, with no meds.


Quote from: big5ifty on Jun 14, 2024, 11:28 AM
Quote from: oafpatroll on Jun 14, 2024, 10:14 AM'Easy fix' and 'no beer of any kind'. I'm trying to process that and filling miserably.

You need to adjust the diet to the risk profile.

Insulin is a fat storage hormone. The first place the fat goes is on the liver, then the blood, a.k.a cholesterol, then the body.

Insulin resistance usually means a fatty liver as well. If left untreated, it turns to sclerosis of the liver, which is irreversible.

You can have insulin resistance, and absolutely normal sugar levels in the blood, so blood sugar is not a test of anything, except to tell you something is already badly broken.

The initial diet change feels drastic, it's purpose is to get the liver back into a healthy state.

Once you achieve that, it's up to you to figure out how to keep it that way.

I'm talking from experience. My fasting insulin used to be 19. Now it's around 5, with no meds.
THIS IS GOSPEL ------------
Insulin is a fat storage hormone. The first place the fat goes is on the liver, then the blood, a.k.a cholesterol, then the body.

Mine was 17 fasting, forken high.
I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.


When I was in hospital with my necrotizing bacteria eating away at my hand, my blood sugar also went sky high. Ds J has a point regarding trauma and diabetes. I now drink tablets to sort that out and could then also be classified as Diabetes 2.


I am finding life very boring not drinking, eating as I please. Its crazy how just pigging out on pizza and 6 beers has become a much looked forward to moment each Sat or Sunday get together. I had a cheeseburger with egg, side of calamarie, onion rings and cheese sauce pretty much every Sunday since before Covid. 4 beers finished that lunch.
4-5 hrs later it was the Sunday braai till about 22:00 with 4 beers.
I would then go relax at the local and usually get pissed with friends from 30 -40 years back in time.

Just what do non drinker eaters do  when not hunting, fishing, diving ?
A typical non drinking day would for me be, 04:00 go scuba diving, get back and do a 200 km bike run a hr or two thereafter.
I would then reload, flytie or  fix, make something till late afternoon. Sleep 2 hours and the go fishing till early morning.
Another variation would be hunt bushpig Friday night, then deep sea Saturday, sleep till 21:00 nightfish Sat night and then do a breakfast run Sunday.
Really lived to the fullist I did.
.....but I enjoy pubs and merry folk, rowdy people and ten min best pals.
I said I would not drink for 3 months, it has been interesting, not at all difficult, but a bit boring, bit like no salt in a meal I would say.
I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.