Sectional density and overall weight

Started by Treeman, Sep 09, 2024, 12:43 PM

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I think that this is the one you are looking for

Bell used German DWM 7x57 ammo 175gr round nose FMJ


Source for 7mm Solids

No idea where you would get round nose solid FMJ bullets today ?

Still you can get these ..

11,7 g / 180 gr Scenar-L OTM GB554

Perhaps not so good for Elephant ?


In the Rigby 7x57mm he used round nose 173 grain FMJ bullets with a muzzle velocity of 2,300 fps and in the.303 British the military round nose 215 grain FMJ with a muzzle velocity of 2,100 fps: both of which he described as being about ideal for the job they were called on to do.


Quote from: Tripodmvr on Oct 13, 2024, 07:33 PMIn the Rigby 7x57mm he used round nose 173 grain FMJ bullets with a muzzle velocity of 2,300 fps and in the.303 British the military round nose 215 grain FMJ with a muzzle velocity of 2,100 fps: both of which he described as being about ideal for the job they were called on to do.
Look at the increase in weight between the 7 and the .303 and then the decrease in velocity to do same job apparently pretty equally.
I keep coming back to the old statement about terminal ballistics. Double the weight to double the energy, double the speed to quadruple the energy - or percentages of such increases.
I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.

Ds J

Remember when these cartridges came into being  - they were the best there was at the time.


In the early years they were the only smokeless powder rounds.


Some questions !
1 - What is the optimum speed for soft point bullet use ?
2 - Same question a bit too the side, what is the optimum speed for penetration.
3 - Then,at what speed does peripheral meat damage start occurring ?
4 - Do pointed bullets do less meat damage than round or flat bullet tips ?
5 - Does a bullet that enters and exits cause less meat damage than one that dumps all its energy into target?
6 - Does a bullet that stays together in a clean mushroom do less peripheral meat damage than one that breaks into, say 
     3 parts, not a bullet that fragments ?
I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.


Quote from: Treeman on Oct 14, 2024, 06:53 PMSome questions !
1 - What is the optimum speed for soft point bullet use ? Even a 180gr cup/core bullet out of a 303 at 2400fps causes meat damage. Shooting at a slower speed limits your effective range
2 - Same question a bit too the side, what is the optimum speed for penetration. Depending on bullet type you might find a slower bullet giving better penetration
3 - Then,at what speed does peripheral meat damage start occurring ? Above about 2500fps meat damage increases a lot
4 - Do pointed bullets do less meat damage than round or flat bullet tips ? The more lead exposed the quicker the bullet expands if it is an expanding bullet
5 - Does a bullet that enters and exits cause less meat damage than one that dumps all its energy into target? Theoretically it should as that energy component is what creates more meat damage
6 - Does a bullet that stays together in a clean mushroom do less peripheral meat damage than one that breaks into, say 3 parts, not a bullet that fragments ? It could cause less yes, but a longer bullet path might mean damaging both lungs and not just one


Shoot the animal in the head .. no meat damage and bullet type incidental and academic !
 ???  :)  :)