Inside Australias War

Started by Newton, May 23, 2024, 03:36 PM

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At the risk of again ... upsetting ...

Part THREE of a three part series
I feel that this is worth watching - it is real ; and so are the after effects .. the making of "war-lovers"

See particularly the comment by @rhunter762i

QuoteI AM a former Active Duty (4)  C/A Marine, with another 14+ years as an Army Reservist.
There IS a thrill, like NO OTHER, of DEALING death, while MISSING the Reaper's sickle, by inches.  In one's 20's one feels invulnerable.  Someone ELSE'S misfortune isn't MY problem; sucks to be THEM.  Better them than me.

Then they look at their OWN sons, as they hear the steady propaganda of those beating the war-drums, and they begin to realize they were USED, like a tooth of a gear, in a giant machine [a meat-grinder] that has no REAL care or concern WHATSOEVER, except to justify YET ANOTHER war somewhere, for the benefit of a comparative handful, who will NEVER allow THEIR sons to "join-up"; because they all KNOW it's a BUSINESS; nothing more; and nobody cares.

Maybe THEN it will stop....


War -not your business, that's all.
Young men dying for old mens ideals.
I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.