Hunt approaching fast

Started by janfred, Jul 16, 2024, 01:59 PM

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As some of you know by now, I am finally going hunting. Day is fast approaching but time still seems to drag by.

When I first contacted Dave, I was sitting on a ship in Singapore, 9000km away. All I could do was plan, and plan I did. So much that I think Dave started to dread the early afternoon messages. As a novice, I had quite a few questions.

Got home a week ago and still had to do load development. To make matters a bit more challenging is that it was the wettest and windiest week I can remember in a long time. And the shooting range is only open Wednesday to Saturday. Thankfully there was a gap in the rain on Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning. But then again, I would have shot in the rain.

All of my shooting in the past has been target shooting with proper match bullets. I tried the SBC bullets in 150 and 180gr. My Tikka did not do so well with them. Got hold of a box of 180gr SP Interlocks. What a difference. All 3 loads tested shot less than 1 MOA with an SD of less than 7fps.

Had to get a new wardrobe just for the hunt. Turns out that most of my clothes are, or contain, the colour blue. Judging by the weather forecast it is going to be quite cool at night.

By all accounts the camp is quite rough. No five star accommodation or turn-down service there. Probably won't get coffee in bed either. Can't say I am looking forward to do a no 2 at 4°C. I wonder if Dave has any idea how loud my snoring is?

Unlike my last hunt, this one is much better planned. Cooler boxes collected, hunting ammo loaded, scope zeroed. Binos, range finder, knife, hat in my bag. And spare ammo. Enough. Because gunshops are closed when the hunt is on. Only things that I still need is a license, ice, food and water. Maybe a half-jack of OBS because of the cold nights.


Ja you are gonna be in a roff place  :o , there is absolutely nothing there. 9 poles in the ground, some school blackboards on 3 sides and a shade cloth where we ran out of school boards. The wind reduction is great, if you lie flat perhaps 50 % less than outside wind factor.
IMG-20240713-WA0063 by David Frank Allen, on Flickr
All built from scrap.

20240713_221656 by David Frank Allen, on Flickr
Somehow this junk is verrrry special.

That's all there is
I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.


There are only two things I worry about
A comfortable warm bed - fold up metal hospital bed
A hot shower with flow and pressure - old style donkey

I can adapt to most of the other stuff


Quote from: Newton on Jul 16, 2024, 06:37 PMThere are only two things I worry about
A comfortable warm bed - fold up metal hospital bed
A hot shower with flow and pressure - old style donkey
I can adapt to most of the other stuff
Guess ye better stay home then mate. ;)
I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.

Ds J

Pa het altyd gesê 'n man moet net sy skietoog kan skoonvryf. Die res bly soos dit is, anders ruik die bokke jou.


Yeah. Guess nice deodorant should not be used and the hair spray must stay at home. I'll keep some deodorant for the trip back to civilization.


Looks like its going to be a super hunt!

2 ways to approach the #2 at 4C - be 1st and warm the seat up, be last with warm seat but...


I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.


Quote from: Treeman on Jul 16, 2024, 09:31 PM
Quote from: Newton on Jul 16, 2024, 06:37 PMThere are only two things I worry about
A comfortable warm bed - fold up metal hospital bed
A hot shower with flow and pressure - old style donkey
I can adapt to most of the other stuff
Guess ye better stay home then mate. ;)
I spent six years in SWA and when in the field living out of a Land Cruiser never staying more than two or three nights in the same place.
Strangely enough my whole army career was spent in tents and in the Caprivi in a rough wooden bungalow with gauze for windows
However in ALL those places I slept well and had a hot shower ..

WHY be uncomfortable when all it takes is a bit of effort ( and application ) to make your selves comfortable ?
Perhaps you choose to live like - refugees ?


I do not mind living like a refugee for 2 nights/

I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.


What a weekend! Lots of ups and downs. Definitely not a flat farm.

Friday afternoon was a bit of a rush to get to the farm, unpack and depart on the first hunt. We did see a small group of impala ewes and lots of sheep. The impala was moving right to left and must have seen us. They kept moving until they out of sight.

As we were stalking across the side of the hill, Dave suddenly said,"Warthog!" He said a it few times before I twigged there is an actual warthog somewhere in front of us and peered into the gloom. After a pointed reminder, I cocked my rifle and layed it on the proffered shooting sticks. For the life of me I couldn't spot it. After a few more directions I noticed the moving shadow. Just as the crossed hairs laid on the head, and putting the last pressure on the trigger, the shadow disappeared at around 50m. A tense minute or two with us peering into the gloom we realised it must have gone down a hole there.
We stalked closer and arrived at the hole. As we were discussing how to flush said quarry out, it made up our minds for us and took off at a run. Taking aim at it and pushing the trigger was an exercise to demonstrate good trigger control; I neglected to close the bolt! Realising my mistake, I led the pig again and fired. It must have straitened up at the end and it was a clean miss. Somewhat dejected we made our way back to the camp.

So yes, the camp was a rof place. Then again, the only time spent at the camp was to eat and sleep. And a place to store our gear. Note to self, next time take a double size blow-up mattress. Trying to stay on top of a single mattress in a small sleeping bag was a challenge. Also, take a larger sleeping bag. Mine was a bit tight.


Quote from: janfred on Jul 23, 2024, 04:27 PMNote to self, next time take a double size blow-up mattress. Trying to stay on top of a single mattress in a small sleeping bag was a challenge. Also, take a larger sleeping bag. Mine was a bit tight.

I detest blow up mattresses especially when sleeping somewhere that isn't gucci as every one I've ever owned has sprung a leak at some point and that point always seems to be when I'm cold and sleeping on the kak thing. I much prefer a few yoga mat type pads. Not as comfortable but much more reliable. My sleeping bags have shrunk too. It's weird. Had to get rid of my army one which had been more than spacious enough for that reason. Think the maid must have washed it hot or something. 


Mr Janfred was a very satisfying guy to take hunting, no ego, no pretense guy. Add a almost childlike pleasure taken in things done made him a very satisfying person to share what I know with.
The first shot on the hog should not have been taken, running low light rushed etc, but all things considered totally understandable - I should have perhaps called a "do not shoot" but ya! Did not.
The following day ? Wow - 2 pigs, 3 Impala all fair walk and stalk in Addo bush, from previous measured tracks on the roads, we did 18+ km searching.
I would have to say though, we really really hit a lucky combo of seeing game.
I think you hold the highest number of game taken in a day by any guest hunter in last 18 years, 2 Impala and a pig or is usually a very lucky hunt for an seasoned hunter.
You ? First hunt ?, not a shoot - very impressive indeed.
I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.


Sounds like it was a blast.


Congratulation Jandfred and Treeman, sounds like a great weekend!