morals ethics and my way.

Started by Treeman, Aug 06, 2024, 08:26 PM

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If you hunt with me on my farms, and you want to hunt alone, walk alone, then the system of "you shot, that means you hit it, you pay for it" applies. We must keep in mind that last night we were discussing those 400 m Springbuck you shot and how your rifle is a 1 inch at 200 m rifle, now you want me to understand that you cleanly missed a kudu, a whole kudu, you did not shoot 6 inch's off, you shot a whole kudu off ?
Bit of a debate on another forum, thought I would bring it here.

To scratch up an old subject.
I said on my hunts if alone,  you pull the trigger, you have shot it - you pay for it. There was much sqealing and rip about this.
So! I been hunting 12 weeks running now, first 3 weeks nothing  out of the ordinary. Last 3 weeks 🤔 mmmn? ja! Again Human nature came forth.
Impala shot at 80m, saw hit, but heard nothing, Impala gone. Inspect area, no blood, client finds no blood, calls a miss. 3 hrs later client now wants to know if I am calling him a lair. About an hour later we find blood, client now calls it a scrape, scratch, its not really wounded.
11 at nite we find pens in blood, stop for night. The clients now grumpy he does not want it this way- we should have just left it, now he has to pay for a animal that he can not use.
Next day we find buck, client remarks his rifle must be out.

Client shoots warthog, warthog barely reacts and runs off into valley, only 2 of the 3 come out valley. We go to fetch it. We discuss the shot and the hit sound in route. The pig is not found. The pig becomes a I think I missed.
A long time later pig becomes a definite miss, no wounded animal runs this far. 1.6 km measured only only in a straight line,the pig is found (least this guy was honourable and polite and open).

Impala shot perfect heart shot 240 m give take. Saw the strike perfectly in slow mo - the Impala take off through a bossie section, 4 go in and 3 come out. I ask hunter, where u aim ? And he tells me "low behind shoulder like you said I must, but I saw the bullet hit under the buck.I must gave pulled the shot"
😳 I check this ou out, I realize he does not know the buck is down. I listen to his explaining, we do not have to go look, he saw the miss. I insist we check for blood, he is bit unhappy, perhaps about maybe finding blood. We go look, he walks back forth, kicks a few stones over looking for blood under them I suppose and assures me it was a miss.
 I can hear the dogs busy at the carcass by now.
I suggest we just look a bit further on, mumble grumble wasting time.
Ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Heres the animal, look, hit it just where I aimed, I thought it ran funny , fark thanks man, sorry bout that I really thought.....
Humans and being responsible for their actions ??? Add money ???
I am who I am - I am not who you want me to be.
Therefore I am me.


The quality of people is on a bell curve so there's a limit to how many top of the curve results you can expect for a given sample size and test program duration. If you sell a service to a sample of people for whom you don't always have previous test results you probably need to moderate your expectations.

Ds J

n Baie goeie vriend het n man uitgevat vir n blouwildebees.

Lae kopskoot, reg van voor, en die bok trek weg met n af kakebeen.

Toe hulle die bok se tande kry vra die skut of die bokke daardie tyd van die jaar tande wissel ...

With inexperienced hunters, doubt is a big problem because they are not sure what they saw, where they hit etc. That is one thing.

Om sommer net skelm te wees is n ander saak.


I was rather amazed at some of the stories Tree would orate after a few beer at the local pub after a week end away with  hunters. The one utterance I held onto was, "there are a lot of hunters that do not like it when somethings are brought up by people like me, a purest it seems, loses hunting friends easily"


I told a group of mostly obese 'corporate hunt' participants that sitting on the back of a bakkie shooting bokkies off dead rests with star ship trooper rifles wasn't 'hunting'. They didn't like that at all and got quite fierce about it. I think that may have been due in part to the fact that they had been attacking the cooler box on the back all day. It could also explain the klippies and cola cans we found in the veld. They walk amongst us.


Corporate types that drink Klippies and Cola from cans? Probably a good thing that they shot off rests like that...


Quote from: janfred on Aug 13, 2024, 07:16 AMCorporate types that drink Klippies and Cola from cans? Probably a good thing that they shot off rests like that...

They weren't 'corporate' in the investment banking sense but it was apparently some business expense jolly. The farmer told us neither they nor their outfitter would be back as apart from the shit show in the field they'd left a dent on the accomodation and been abusive to the farm hands.


Heard the worst case of too much money on this weekend's hunt. Mr Money Bags shot a kudu cow through the trachea. When asked to help with the follow up he wanted to know what the price for the animal was. He declined to pursue the wounded cow as a R5000 loss was not that serious and he would rather shoot another.


Quote from: Tripodmvr on Aug 13, 2024, 12:28 PMHeard the worst case of too much money on this weekend's hunt. Mr Money Bags shot a kudu cow through the trachea. When asked to help with the follow up he wanted to know what the price for the animal was. He declined to pursue the wounded cow as a R5000 loss was not that serious and he would rather shoot another.

Vile. The failure in parenting required to make one like that is staggering.

Ds J

Quote from: oafpatroll on Aug 13, 2024, 12:51 PM
Quote from: Tripodmvr on Aug 13, 2024, 12:28 PMHeard the worst case of too much money on this weekend's hunt. Mr Money Bags shot a kudu cow through the trachea. When asked to help with the follow up he wanted to know what the price for the animal was. He declined to pursue the wounded cow as a R5000 loss was not that serious and he would rather shoot another.

Vile. The failure in parenting required to make one like that is staggering.

He probably grew up like that - his parents did the same, so he does not think twice about it. It is more important to enjoy, to make money etc.