Die heel kleintjie, asb Pappa?

Started by Ds J, Feb 20, 2025, 09:59 PM

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Ds J

Om een of ander rede verkies my kinders om met die 6.35 (.25ACP) Baby Browning kopie te skiet!?

Ek het 'n. 22 pistool en geweer, en enkele ander handige vuurwapens, maar hulle vat konsekwent en sonder uitsondering altyd eers "die kleintjie".


Why do my kids prefer the Baby Browning copy above all other firearms?


My guess they recognise the genius of the designer in the ergonomics. I can't think of a sub-micro-mouse-gun that I'd prefer to shoot. Like an idiot I handed in my grandmothers for destruction in my very early twenties when I inherited it and others and was a swerver without safe storage.

I'm sure that when they are a little older they will learn to love your auto 5 clone equally.

Do you reload for the .25?

Ds J

My guess is that it about size because the smaller frame fits better in their hands.

And also recoil - the little thing barely moves on recoil.

They can cock it without trouble.

No, I don't reload, I have a small stash of old cartridges.


They are lovely little things. I will buy one if a mint example comes up. I have absolutely no need for one other than a strong lus and uncommonly small hands for a big fat guy.


My wife has a Phoenix arms 6.35, we enjoy shooting it. Need to get an extra magazine and start reloading for it at some point, ammo is available but costly. Just need to buy a die set for it.